Variables Measured on the Leadership 360
Leadership Profile
Initiation of Structure
How much does your leadership lead to things like “maintaining definite standards of performance”? How much do others on the team see you enforcing those standards?
Leadership Profile
How much do you care about your teammates? Do your teammates report seeing that you care?
Leadership Profile
Leader Identity
A leader can have all the skills in the world and have the ability to both initiate structure and have ideal consideration for teammates, but without the motivation to lead, it’s all for nothing. Do you see yourself as a leader? Do others on the team?
Individual Skills / Mindsets
Locus of Control
Locus of control is an important part of personality and performance in both the work and student worlds. It pertains to your perception about the underlying, primary causes of things that happen in your life or on your team.
Individual Skills / Mindsets
Emotional Intelligence
How well are you able to connect with and sense what your teammates are feeling at the moment?
Individual Skills / Mindsets
Empathy is your level of concern and how much you can feel others’ emotional states as if they were your own. Our 360 also captures how well your teammates think you can sense their emotions.
High-Functioning Team Behaviors
Inclusion and Belonging
We aggregate and report your teammates’ rating of how accepted and how much they feel they belong to the team as a result of your leadership, and compare it to your own self-assessment.
High-Functioning Team Behaviors
Our accountability measures the perception that you (or your teammate or team lead) do what you say and act how you say you want to act. Beyond keeping promises, the scale also includes whether someone can be trusted to act in line with their values and take responsibility when they are a part of something that goes wrong (or right!).
High-Functioning Team Behaviors
The level of support you and others feel on your team and how much effort team members put into being a part of events ranging from social functions to practices.
High-Functioning Team Behaviors
For the type of communication that improves team performance, you need to focus on quality much more than quantity. We help you assess where the team can improve and what you as a leader can do to help.
Our Leadership 360 variables are the ten curated, research-validated measures listed above for the Leadership 360. They are either based on behaviors or mindsets, both of which are actionable for developing leaders to work on right away. You can check out more detailed descriptions of the variables on the first 13 pages of our sample report.
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